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3 Keys to Getting Past the Bursting Point and How a Certified OBM Can Help

3 Keys to Getting Past the Bursting Point - Kimberley Reyes, Certified OBM

It can be REALLY tough to run a business, especially once you hit 6-figures and beyond.

The struggles are not talked about enough, often swept under the rug – brought to life only in tearful late night discussions or moments of extreme frustration.

If you aren’t prepared to navigate this stage of growth – what I like to call the bursting point – you may find yourself experiencing some of the following: 

Bottom line is that you are tired, frustrated and starting to wonder if it’s worth it.

The bursting point is when you simply can’t take anymore without sacrificing more time, energy or money than you are willing to give.

The bursting point is a rite of passage in business – it means you have created something that people want (yay!) but that you can no longer provide all on your own. It’s the stage where demand outweighs your capacity to serve.

This can either be a painful or exciting phase in your business:

This generally happens in early 6-figures – anywhere from $100K to $250K depending on your business model and how much you can handle on your own. The number doesn’t matter as much as the experience of wanting to grow but not having the capacity.

Once you recognize you are at the bursting point, there are 3 areas of your business you will want to develop to get through the struggle:

1) Planning

In the early stages of business you can get away with a spontaneous, take things as they come approach – but as you grow that’s something you’ll need to adjust. As your number of clients grows, planning ahead and strategically mapping out what comes next will reduce the frantic nature of the bursting point, and ultimately your stress level.

Planning is the cornerstone of what a Certified OBM does in a growing business. One of my main objectives with clients is to create plans that provide clarity & stability.

2) People

DIY can get you to 6-figures but it won’t take you past the bursting point. You need to get clear on what your role is as the CEO (your DO List) and then bring in the right people to take the other work off your plate.

A Certified OBM often comes into a business at the bursting point to take the work of getting the right people in place off your plate – the hiring, the training, the managing of your new team does not have to rest entirely on your shoulders.

3) Process

The only way to create freedom for you, and a strong foundation for your growing business, is to build out systems & processes. Systems keep everyone on the same page, doing work the way you want it to be done. Systems & processes are key to increasing capacity.

And this doesn’t have to take too much time or effort. The easiest way to record your processes is by simply taking a screen recording of the tasks you do in your business. I like to use tools like Loom to record and share these tasks with my team.

As a Certified OBM, this is the kind of work that’s on my DO list. Creating & implementing the SOPs that are going to keep your business running smoothly – without your input on every detail – that is my sweet spot.

The bottom line is – what got you to 6-figures is NOT going to be what gets you through it (and beyond.) If your vision is bigger than your bursting point it is time to make these changes. And if you are looking for support with this, I’d love to connect.

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