Kimberley Reyes | Mom On Duty

PETA ARTS Zone Project: A Campaign for Positive Discipline in the Philippines

When it comes to disciplining our kids, we use time-outs then we have a one-on-one talk after. As much as possible, we try our very best to control our anger–no matter how crazy the things they do are–so as not to resort to spanking.

Some people do not understand why we do this. They would say that we might raise spoiled and out-of-control kids if we do not show them early on that we are “in control.” But, we believe that there is no need to be violent to show them that we are in charge.

In fact, in our experience, if we raise our voices or give The Princess’ hand a hard tap, she will do something naughtier; as if challenging us. However, if we call her attention in a calm, but firm voice, she will immediately stop whatever she is doing (often followed by a hug or kiss).

Positive Discipline in the Philippines

A few weeks ago, I was invited by The Philippine Educational Theater Association (PETA) to join their campaign for upholding children’s rights. Through the ARTS (Advocate Right to Safety) Zone Project, they hope to spread their mission–to eliminate corporal punishment–through theater and arts.

Promote Positive Discipline in the Philippines


The campaign, which began in 2009, is now in its second phase (“Love Does Not Hurt”). Although I wasn’t able to make it to their event last August 7 (Daddy A and I really wanted to go!), I still want to share this campaign to all my readers since this is something Daddy A and I support.

Our Role As Parents

As parents, it is our task to provide our children a nurturing home where they are loved, heard and understood.

Do not confuse children. Do not let them feel that the place that they rely on for security, protection and love is the same place they experience violence and pain.

Instead of imposing values and punishing them when they make a mistake, it is our task to be an example to them. We must live by the values we want them to learn. We must guide them so that they will know what is right or wrong–give them choices, lay down the consequences and let them think for themselves.

Join The Campaign. Start At Home!

If you believe in positive discipline, join the campaign by starting in your own home. Set an example to other parents so that more will join the movement.

For more information, visit PETA ARTS Zone Project’s Facebook page here.
You can also follow PETA on Twitter for updates.

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