Kimberley Reyes | Mom On Duty

Let Them Be Kids

It’s almost summer vacation for the kids and you know what that means, moms–we’re going to have to think of activities to keep them preoccupied while they’re on their school break. We’d like the minis to spend more time outdoors or perhaps get them into a hobby since we recently unplugged them from their gadgets. So this summer, we’re going to let them be kids!

Let them be kids!

We want our minis to experience the childhood we had. You know, the one where our faces weren’t buried in front of gadgets? We want them to play outside, meet new friends in the neighborhood, and explore the great outdoors.

Before kasi, they only get to play inside our house or in an indoor playground. Recently, we introduced them to outdoor play. Since giving birth to Charlie, we moved to my mom’s house so I have postpartum support. What’s great about my mom’s neighborhood is that there are a lot of kids their age. The kids go out every afternoon to bike and play games so we got the minis to join them.

Prior to this change, we noticed that the minis were very impatient and always saying that they’re bored. I read that’s an effect of gadget use. But now? They’re back to being kids again! Yay!

I love that they now know a lot of kids’ games; that they’re learning to bike and almost ready to remove their training wheels; and that they get to exercise every day in a fun way.

Keep them fresh!

But of course, with all the running, they tend to get extra sweaty. I like to keep them amoy baby (who doesn’t, right?!) so before they go outside to play, I make them put cologne on. They love Bambini Cologne because they get to choose from different scents. If it were up to me, I’d make them wear Cotton Cuddles because it’s the most amoy baby among the scents. But the minis like to change it up every day, which is fine!

Bambini Baby Scents:

What I love about Bambini Cologne:

Aside from using Bambini Cologne to keep your kids fresh, make sure you have a towel on hand when they’re playing outdoors to keep them dry. Be ready with a fresh change of clothes, too, so they can change out of their sweaty clothes after playing.

I asked the minis to share what they think about Bambini Cologne. Watch them here:

Have you tried any of the five scents of Bambini Cologne? Which one is your favorite?

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