Kimberley Reyes | Mom On Duty

My Kid Just Said #3

Sorry to bombard you with “My Kid Just Said” posts. It’s just that our little girl has become super talkative and we are amused at how funny she reacts.

Me: What did the ants say?
The Princess: Bite! Bite! Bite!
Me: What did you say?
The Princess: Ati! Ati! (Itchy! Itchy!)
Me: How do you feel about the ants biting you?
The Princess: Happy. Sad. And then angry!

Hahaha! What made it even more hilarious is that she said the last part with matching facial expression for each emotion!

My Kid Just Said

I can’t wait for what our toddler will say next! Well, as long as she doesn’t say anything scary! (Side story: A few days ago, she brought her doll to me and said, “Anabelle!” Freakin’ scary! She must have heard the adults talking about The Conjuring after movie night–so next time, no scary stories with the kids around!)

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