Kimberley Reyes | Mom On Duty

Rainy Day Activities for Families

Is the gloomy weather getting you down? Don’t let the rainy season stop you and your family from having fun! Here are some rainy day activities you can do with your family even when the rain is pouring outside…

#1 Drop your gadgets and take out those board games

When I was younger, I remember spending hours playing Game of the Generals with my dad on days we can’t go out. Not only did it teach me a lot about strategic thinking, but it also provided an opportunity for my dad and I to bond while my mom cooks the usual rainy day favorites like champorado.

Now that I have kids of my own, I make it a point to grab every chance I get to bond with them. My children are still very young (Kelly is 4, Caleb is 2), but we’ve already introduced them to board games. It can get chaotic with a toddler constantly running over the board, but nothing beats all the laugh-worthy moments with the whole family.

#2 Try out some arts and crafts

toddler artMy daughter loves anything artsy. She got it from her dad who is quite creative as well. This is why during rainy days, when board games no longer work in keeping my little ones preoccupied, I take out their art kits and we do arts and crafts activities together. I don’t mind letting the kids get messy—that makes arts and crafts even more fun!


#3 Play pretend

What better way to enjoy a rainy day than to make use of the gloomy weather to play pretend pirates lost in a stormy sea, right? I have to be honest, hoisting sails made of bed sheets and pretending to be adventurers sailing the vast seas in search of treasure is something I really enjoy doing with my kids.

When my husband is around (he’s usually on duty 24/7 during the rainy season since that’s when they’re on red alert), he gets to play the scary sea monster…or the merman needing to be rescued. It really depends on the kids’ mood. 😀

#4 Enjoy a game of laser tag

Now, if you have older kids, one activity I’m sure they will enjoy is a game of laser tag. Before we had kids of our own, my husband and I used to take our nieces to Market! Market! for a game of laser tag. Our nieces were aged 7 to 10 back then and they really enjoyed our games.

So if it’s raining outside and the kids can’t go out to play, suit up and head over to LazerXtreme for a game or two.

#5 Play in the rain!

Childhood is not complete if you never got to play in the rain. I did it when I was younger, my husband experienced it too, and we decided to let our kids enjoy the rain as well. I was hesitant at first because I was scared my kids might get sick, but I soon learned that as long as we take care of the kids’ health, a couple of minutes under the rain won’t hurt.

To make sure my kids are always healthy (so we can all play in the rain!), I make sure they eat healthy meals and get enough rest. I also help boost their immune system by letting them take Vitamin C and Zinc.

What about you? What are you favorite rainy day bonding activities with your family? Share it with us in the comments section below!


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