Kinder and Getting Ready for New Adventures

Last week, we celebrated The Princess' end of the school year with a simple moving up day presentation that the girls prepared for us. Similar to what they did at the end of their Junior Nursery year, the girls all spoke on stage, one by one, to recall all the…

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Summer and Changes

Can you feel the summer heat? Thank goodness the minis' grandma bought a new kiddie pool for them! The minis can't get enough of the water ever since Arjay blew up the pool (with his own breath, FYI, because the minis couldn't wait for the pump - haha!). I totally…


Mama Blues: A Mini Is Starting School Soon!

If you're following me on Instagram (follow me here!), then you know that I recently found out that our little girl can start going to school already. I was very excited at first because I (and the rest of the ladies of my family who are also "Old Girls" -…