School’s Back! How To Navigate Home Learning

If your child's school is one of the early implementors of distance learning, then you've probably started classes a few months back - just like us. Most students, however, are just starting this month and I can see a lot of parents struggling to adapt to having the kids learning…


Homeschooling Update: One Month Down!

It's a month since the minis' school year started. If you're following me on Instagram (click here to follow!), then you might have already seen that we're already homeschooling Kelly while Caleb is distance learning. Since we have more flexibility in homeschooling, we decided to start Kelly on the same…


Embracing Homeschooling

With the lifestyle changes forced upon us by the pandemic, a lot of parents are now considering changes in their kids' learning method this year. In today's episode of Coffee With Kim, I got a chance to chat with Joy Mendoza about how she started homeschooling her son and how…