Kimberley Reyes | Mom On Duty

We’re getting better!

Hello there! How are you all doing? It’s been a while since I last updated the blog. That’s because a virus decided to hang out in our house and infected us one after the other.

Toddler coldThe Princess was the first one to catch the cold. I’m thinking it’s because of the sudden change in the weather and the fact that she had been practising non-stop for their culminating activity/moving up day. She graduated from Junior Nursery already, by the way! She didn’t join the performances she had been practising for weeks, though, because–according to her–Daddy promised he’d come, but he didn’t. It was heartbreaking seeing her cry, but I totally understand her so I just let her cry it out. It’s becoming more and more difficult to explain our family’s situation to the minis as they are growing older and asking more questions about their dad’s job and why it seems to be above the family.

She eventually (eventually = after two days!) let it go and begun talking to her dad again. Grabe, this is a preview of what is to come when the minis are teens!

After the Princess’ moving up day, the Little Man started sneezing like crazy as well. He soon developed a fever and was so sick for days. I honestly have no idea how I got through two weeks of working late nights and taking care of two little ones while being sick myself–but I did!

I have to hand it to Daddy A, too. He did a good job in trying to help me out after he comes home from work even though he was feeling sick as well.

As of this writing, we still have the last wave of the sniffles, but we’re all feeling much better…thank goodness! The house is back in order again, too, since we’re all back to our rooms after two weeks of camping in the living room so we’d be closer to the bathroom.

And since we’re finally recovering, I’ve jumped back into getting our business set up. I’m crossing my fingers that we’ll get this done by the end of the month so we can all take a much needed vacation.

So, how’s the start of summer going for you? Any plans for a summer trip?

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