A Flower In Bloom

I've been doing a lot of branding exercises (thanks to the worksheets from Martine's Branding Bliss Workshop) and note-taking recently. I don't know, I'm starting to feel like I need to regroup and evaluate where I want this blog to go... in the long run. Anyway. I'll talk about that when…


The Most Important Work

It's only half past 9 in the morning as I write this and I am already swamped. I woke up a little before 7, prepared breakfast and had it with Daddy A and The Minis. In the middle of our meal, I noticed The Little Man playing with clay-like stuff,…


Grateful, Happy and Hopeful

They say that it is human to forget -- or to want to forget -- because it allows us to go on with life despite all the bad experiences in the past. It is tempting, but I refuse to erase the bad memories. 2013 was a challenging year for Daddy…