My Little Angels

Whew! It has been a tough week with all the Church wedding preparations going on. We have four days to go and we still have a looooooong checklist to finish. I have no idea what happened. We were all set two weeks ago. I guess there are just some things…


Happy World Teachers’ Day!

World Teachers' Day has been celebrated every 5th of October since 1994. The day aims to show support, gratitude and appreciation for teachers around the world who give almost all their time and effort to educate one generation after another. This day is special because my mom's side of the…


Have lots of fun at Moms On The Floor!

Guess what, moms? Mommy Mundo is hosting yet another event for moms! I love going to Mommy Mundo events because they are fun, informative and I get to shop (to Daddy A's wallet's dismay haha). Unfortunately, I already have a commitment on the 5th of October so I can't come…

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When it rains, it pours.

I've heard it said a couple of times already that God provides us with what we need at the perfect time. Well, it's true! While the weeks prior to last week were filled with disappointments, hopelessness and uncertainty, last week and the days that followed were filled with so many…


Are you a person of integrity?

Here's a nice throwback photo for today. I found this while I was browsing through my old Flickr account (gosh, I really miss taking photos!). If there is one and only one message I would like you all to remember for the rest of your lives, it is this: be a…