Regina Rica

Last week, the family and I agreed to go on an unplanned road trip. Daddy A was just supposed to go to his previous station to sign documents he left behind, but since we had nothing to do, we all went with him. As you all know, Daddy A's last…


Infants and Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease

After the wedding celebration ended and all our guests had left, Daddy A, our Little Man and I were left in the venue's bridal suite to pack up our things. That's when we noticed that our 10-month old was burning up. I also noticed that he had really bad rashes…

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Revisiting our home in the mountains

I love Breeze's campaign, "Sige Sa Mantsa!" because I'm the kind of mom who would let the kids explore even if that means getting dirt on their hands and stains on their clothes. We strongly believe in learning through play so we make it a point to let them play…


Répondez s’il vous plaît!

I think one of the most stressful and, at the same time, most laugh trip-filled part of our wedding preparation is when we started to message people about their attendance. I compiled some funny RSVP answers we received on this post. Don't get angry ha if your response is here.…