How To Teach Mindfulness To Kids

Mindfulness is a daily practice I have been doing for quite some time. It has helped me focus and get things done in a manner that is aligned with my why. The practice came very handy when the pandemic started as it kept my focus intact and encouraged resilience. It's…


Homeschooling Update: One Month Down!

It's a month since the minis' school year started. If you're following me on Instagram (click here to follow!), then you might have already seen that we're already homeschooling Kelly while Caleb is distance learning. Since we have more flexibility in homeschooling, we decided to start Kelly on the same…


6 Ways To Be Productive During the Pandemic

Having to stay home for an extended period of time (four months and counting to be exact!) can take a toll on our mental health. We're social beings so this physical distancing thing can be quite frustrating and with the stresses of COVID-19, it can be hard to feel productive. But,…


I Am Happy!

Now more than ever, we need to teach our kids the practice of gratitude. In the last two years, I have gone on a transformational journey with my guide where I discovered how much my life can change just by being grateful every day - even on bad days, sad…