Big family travel tips from our family of 6

Eugenio Lopez Center Hotel in Antipolo

September is a busy month for us because that's when all my kids' school activities are scheduled. As if we weren't busy enough, we also scheduled Charlie's baptism in September. By the end of the month, we were drained. So, after Charlie's baptism, we decided to treat the kids to…

Read more about the article 4 Best Family Vacation Spots In The US

4 Best Family Vacation Spots In The US

As you might have noticed already, our family LOVES to travel. If not for the kids' school, my husband's work, and of course, our budget, we would've been going places every month. But since we need to plan ahead so we can set our schedules and our budget, I always…

Read more about the article 3 Travel Tips for Family Vacations
SEDA Nuvali

3 Travel Tips for Family Vacations

If you have been following this blog for a while, you must have noticed that we love going on adventures as a family. We have different tastes when it comes to traveling… My husband and our daughter are the adventurous types so they enjoy activities that give them an adrenaline…


Seda Nuvali Staycation

It had been raining non-stop prior to our trip to Laguna. The minis prayed for a sunny weekend because I told them we won’t go swimming at the hotel if it’s raining. You see, in our family, no one is left behind so if the bigger kids are going to…


Hong Kong 2018: A 7th Birthday Surprise

I have never been into material gifts ever since. Moreso, parties. In my younger days, I appreciated it most when my parents took me out for dinner, saw a movie with me, or played Game of the Generals with me. It was not a surprise to them that when I…