The Start of Summer

start of summer

We wanted to take the minis out for a swim today. But because the lazy bug bit us (and because we realized we have been mostly out of the house since two weeks ago), we decided to just welcome summer at home. I don’t know where the kiddie pool we bought last year went, so the minis had to settle with basins. They didn’t mind, though. They were pretty happy with just the sun and a (mini) pool of water.

Arjay and I are getting quite busy lately. I kind of feel bad because although I am a work-at-home mom, a new project I took on requires me to work out of the house for a few days a week. I accepted the project because I believe it will help me grow in the kind of career path I chose. Then, there’s also the blog design services I offer. I love it, I truly enjoy it. All these have been taking so much of my time. And more time for work means less time for the minis. Ugh! Mommy guilt! I really, really feel bad.

I think I might have bit off more than I can chew… again. Perhaps it is time to take a step back once more, to reassess the situation, and prioritize. Hay!

In other news, I have so many things planned for the minis’ summer. We’d still be having our usual music and painting sessions, but I also want to take the minis on field trips. Going around is much easier with them now that both can walk and are very curious, which, I believe, is the best time to teach them so many things.

Kimberley Reyes

Kimberley Reyes is an Online Business Manager for entrepreneurs who are ready to get off the hamster wheel and step into their CEO shoes. On top of helping her clients get organized and scale their businesses, she is also happily busy raising her five kids with her firefighter husband.

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Mars M.

    Hi, Kim! I just stumbled across your blog and I’m glad I found it. I’m Mars–I also graduated from Ateneo, took up Montessori training, and I now teach Montessori pre-school.

    I loved seeing the basin/batya photo of your beautiful children! They reminded me of my own childhood.

    I’ll see more of you around here.

    Mars M.

    1. Kim Reyes

      Thanks for dropping by Mars! I love your blog – lots of great ideas for home activities with the kids. I read that you’re going to be a mom soon! Congratulations! 🙂

  2. May De Jesus-Palacpac

    I’m on the same boat as you. i’ve been missing the good old times when they were all i took care of, but i also know working is a necessity for us right now. so …whew. i need to reassess my priorities as well.

    thanks for the reminder. love the pic of your kids, btw. 🙂

    1. Kim Reyes

      That’s true, we need to work for the kids~ but that means sacrificing our time with them.

  3. Marie

    Thank God for water basins! The life saver of every mom. I just realized we have the same set of kids, an ate and a little boy hehe.

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