Are you one of those people who like to list down resolutions every new year? I am! I have resolutions for myself, my business, and, as Lamudi Philippines suggests, our home too. If you’re wondering what kind of resolutions you can make for you home, here are five simple suggestions from Lamudi:
Resolution #1: GO GREEN!
Going green doesn’t really require us to spend hundreds of thousands for solar panels–because really, not all of us have that money to spare at the moment and some of us are just renting. Going green can simply be making small changes: like unplugging appliances when they’re not in use, making use of natural light when available instead of turning on lights, or conserving water.
If you want to take it one step further, switch to energy-saving light bulbs or LEDs and reduce usage of your washing machine and dishwasher by ensuring they are full before pressing start.
Get more green ideas for your home here.
Resolution #2: DE-CLUTTER
This is something everyone must do! I swear, you’ll feel much more relaxed if your home is clutter-free. Not sure where to begin? I hear ya. At the start of the year, we had a pile of stuff everywhere, our househelp just left, and we had no idea how the hell we’re going to put everything in order before work gets busy. We started by clearing our closets–boxing all clothes we haven’t used for the last six months and organizing the closet. As in folded everything we left behind…properly. We also cleared the minis’ playroom of toys that they’re no longer playing with and baby items they’re no longer using. We gave away some of our excess stuff while others were put up for sale.
You’ll be amazed at how much you’ll make from your unused things! 😀 De-clutter your home today, earn money, and clear your home-life from the chaos caused by piles of junk!
Now, this is something I am really interested in. Who would’ve thought there’s a fridge you can text to check on food supplies? Invest on these high-tech appliances (but be sure to plan your purchases accordingly!) to make homemaking a bit easier.
I’ve always been teased that I’m a “Non-Domestic Goddess.” Aside from cooking simple dishes and cleaning the house, I have no idea how to do any domestic stuff–like sewing or crocheting. I tried these last year but failed miserably. This year, though, I promise to learn something new that I can add to the home…such as sewing our new set of curtains (because the current set, which used to be white, is now grey :D) and learning to cook more dishes. An additional resolution for me is to re-learn to play the violin so our house can be filled with lovely music.
Whatever it is you want to learn, this is your chance to do it!
Resolution #5: REFRESH & RECYCLE (…or up-cycle!)
It’s a new year! Why not repaint those walls into a new and livelier color? Or how about repurposing some of your furniture into more updated pieces? 2015 is the year to make that change to your home. Interested? You can check out some ideas here to motivate you to upcycle some of your stuff.
Have you listed down new year’s resolutions for your home? Share those resolutions in the comments section below!
About Lamudi Philippines
Launched in 2013, Lamudi is a global property portal focusing exclusively on emerging markets. The fast-growing platform is currently available in 28 countries in Asia, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America, with more than 750,000 real estate listings across its global network. The leading real estate marketplace offers sellers, buyers, landlords and renters a secure and easy-to-use platform to find or list properties online. For more information, please visit