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Always Be #HOMEwithFAMCAM

Do you always get that uneasy feeling when you have to leave your kids at home with someone else? Now that we are yaya-less again, every time I have errands to run or meetings to attend and I can’t bring the minis with me, I usually leave them at my mom’s or ask our neighbor to watch over them at home.

Weekend with family

Although I leave them in the care of relatives (our neighbor is a relative too), I never really have peace of mind. Are my children being taken care of properly? Are they being watched carefully? Because I’m always thinking about them, most of the time, I’m always rushing to go home or not focusing enough on what I need to do.

I’ve always wondered if there are technologies available that will allow me to see what goes on at home when I’m away. That’s when I discovered that PLDT HOME has a new offer called FAM CAM.

The FAM CAM can be a parent’s best friend in caring for the family because now, moms and dads can see what goes on inside the home whenever they are away! Powered by the family-sized connection provided by PLDT HOME DSL, the FAM CAM allows parents to stay updated with everything at home wherever they may be. Its super cool features include:

  • A built-in microphone so you can hear your family as if you’re at home
  • Automatic light adjustment to ensure video quality*
  • Motion and sound detection (galing!)*

*These are features included only in the Advanced FAM CAM, which is coming real soon.

This is perfect for Daddy A, too, since he can now be assured that we are doing fine at home when he is on duty. 🙂


If you’re not very good with installing wires and all that stuff (just like me), don’t worry because installation is pretty easy. The manual has step-by-step instructions with pictures so I’m sure you’ll be able to install it easily!

See how it looks in our home:


It works with a PLDT HOME DSL plan P1299 and up and is best controlled using Telpad (you can get a FAM CAM on top of your P1699 Telpad plan). With a HOME DSL plan, FAM CAM, and Telpad, you’ll have a really efficient system at home for tracking what goes on while you are away.

PLDT Telpad

How much does it cost? You can get your very own FAM CAM for just P99/month on top of your PLDT HOME DSL or Telpad plan. That’s a small amount to pay for your peace of mind while you are away, right? For a parent like me, this is really good investment because now I don’t have to keep worrying about the minis when they are home with someone else. And for someone in service like Daddy A, he can worry less because with FAM CAM, he can check on us any time while he’s at the station.

What are you waiting for? Order today and always be #HOMEwithFAMCAM!

To know more, check out

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Kimberley Reyes

Kimberley Reyes is an Online Business Manager for entrepreneurs who are ready to get off the hamster wheel and step into their CEO shoes. On top of helping her clients get organized and scale their businesses, she is also happily busy raising her five kids with her firefighter husband.

This Post Has 25 Comments

  1. Aisha

    Hi thank you for featuring the famcam. If the conbection is thru wifi Does this work when parents are outside PI? Your answer will be very much appreciated. Many thanks!

    1. Kimberley Reyes

      That I am not sure. It’s best to contact PLDT about this question. 🙂 You can call them up at 172.


        as i checked with PLDT they’ve said YES.. that will work as soon as the person outside knows the username and password will work

  2. Kat

    How to use it with the telpad?

  3. Bernadette

    Is it possible to setup the fam cam without a desktop or laptop? I want to get a pldt fam cam but I do not own any laptop or desktop, just an android phone and ipad. By the way I have pldt dsl plan 999 now, i know that I will need to upgrade to plan 1299 for me to be able to request for a fam cam. Hope you can reply as soon as possible. Thanks!

    1. Kimberley Reyes

      Hi Bernadette. You will need a laptop/desktop to set the Fam Cam up. They have a CD that you need to install. The best thing to do, though, is to call up PLDT (Dial 171) for assistance. Maybe they can give you other options if you only have an iPad.

  4. tweenselmom

    Nice product, the problem is my husband likes to turn off all electricity when we travel except the lights on.

  5. SJ Valdez

    Your article is so convincing that I want to get my own PLDT Fam Cam! 😉

  6. Marie Bella-Sanluis

    This is so useful especially for parents that aren’t home a lot due to work and duties. Really keeps your mind at peace. 🙂

  7. Josephine

    This is nice as I also leave the care of my daughters to my husband’s relatives. With this, I’ll be able to have that peace of mind.

  8. I also have a Fam Cam and it’s incredibly useful giving us peace of mind when we’re away from home. It’s so affordable and easy to install and manage.

  9. Maan

    Oh it doesn’t cost a lot pala! I thought it would cost too much. If they had this product last year, kukuha talaga ako. Now I might consider buying this once we transfer to our own house in a few years.

  10. nilyncartagena

    I’ve yet to check if PLDT is a good ISP in our area but this one’s definitely a great use for mommies.

  11. Que Sullano - Gavan

    This is very useful when you leave kid at home with a caretaker. Makes you feel more secure and at ease to know what is happening even not physically present.

  12. Everything Home Life

    Nice! I always wanted to invest in something like this just to have peace of mind in my own home. Most of the time my son goes to his grandparent’s house as its easier on them ( We live so far out of town ).

  13. Celerhina Aubrey

    This is so nice. Although I leave my baby with my mum, masaya padin if you could actually monitor kung ano ang ginagawa. #praningmum and super mura also considering ang mahal ng mga CCTV ngayon

  14. Edel

    This is very useful especially for those with babies and younger kids. But then again, its useful for everyone also 🙂

  15. anursesdiary

    I need one of this Kim! I think it’s time for me to switch ISP and give this one a try!

  16. Nicole Paler

    looks like a great way to check if everything’s ok in the house. 🙂 but what if we’re out, say on commute, how can we check on the kids at home? does this need proper internet connection of some sort?

    1. Kimberley Reyes

      I have 3G so that’s how I can connect when I’m not home. I haven’t used it with Telpad, but they say it works best with that. 🙂

  17. I’m a paranoid mom so I don’t leave my son to anyone even with my family or in-laws so wherever I go, he goes. This fam cam is a good product, I’ll think about it.

  18. Mommy Anna

    It’s another hit product from PLDT, it really fits for a family that leave their kids with their yayas. You can check their whereabouts

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