Family Dinner at House of Wagyu Stone Grill

I am a huge fan of steak, which is why when we decided to dine out one evening, I grabbed the chance to bring the whole family to a famous steak house that we have never tried before: House of Wagyu Stone Grill. For a start, we had their soup…


The Princess’ New High Chair

Since The Princess has started eating solid food, we couldn't keep her away from the dining table anymore. She just keeps crawling to the table and when we she sits on my lap or her Daddy's lap, she would just start grabbing whatever she could grab. So, we finally decided…


2011: The Year In Review

2011 was a challenging year for Arjay and I. We have been tested in 2010 and 2011 challenged our ability to hold on to each other despite the not-so-nice year that passed. Although it was full of challenges, it was also full of blessings. Here's how we spent our year...…


The Princess at 7 months!

The Princess turned seven months today. Time flies really fast, doesn't it? Her celebration for this month was a bit different since it's the holidays. Instead of eating out as a family, we joined the children's Christmas party in Daddy A's office. It's really nice that they organize a Christmas party…


December Rain

It's December and it's raining! That's unusual, really. We usually go out a lot during this time of the year to complete our Christmas shopping list and sometimes, just to enjoy the Christmas decorations in parks and malls. Unfortunately for The Princess, she is spending her first Christmas season at…