The Princess’ 4th Month at The Venice Piazza

The Princess' fourth month is actually yesterday. But, since there were strikes, we decided to celebrate it today. For this month, we agreed to bring her to The Venice Piazza. We heard it's a really nice place so we thought our little girl would enjoy the sights. However, before heading…


Today, I came back to God.

It has been months since I last went to church. I remember stopping because I felt like God has abandoned me. I felt like the whole world's burden was upon me. In the duration that I turned away from Him, a lot of things happened. Bad things. You could say…


On A Rainy Sunday Morning

It's been raining non‐stop since Friday night. We were supposed to fly to Tuguegarao yesterday afternoon to spend the long weekend with Arjay's family, but our flight was canceled because of Typhoon Mina. Since there isn't anything left for us to do, we decided to stay in the house. We've…


Upside Down Dining at Pan de Amerikana, Q.C.

Since we left the house extra early (I wanted to review for an exam somewhere else) and my class won't start until 10:30, hubby and I agreed to try breakfast in Pan de Amerikana. We've seen pictures of this restaurant online (it looked really cool in photos) and we've heard…


The Princess Turns Two Months!

Every 19th of the month, we make it a habit to celebrate The Princess' monthsary. We go out as a family then buy a cake - complete with candles and all. Last month, we went to Eastwood Mall. This time, we decided to celebrate Kelly's second month in Bonifacio High Street. It…