Make your work-at-home life easier with these home hacks.
Hello there, dear reader. As you may have noticed, it's been a while since I last wrote a blog post about our home life. (If you want to be more updated, I hang out more on Instagram @momondutyblog.) ANYWAY. Life lately has been wonderful. Busy, but wonderful. We moved into…
With the pandemic, many of us have been led into a new way of doing things--including our children's education. While some have opted to go for homeschooling and others decided to treat 2020 as a gap year, there are still a lot of us who chose to keep our kids…
A growing business is exciting! You're making big sales. You may be onboarding more people to join your team. You might even be moving into a bigger office space. Good job! When you're at this point in your business, it's so tempting to dive right in and participate in all…
Summer and semestral school breaks are exciting times for kids and parents. From summer vacations to holiday activities, this is a time for families to bond and to relax from the stress of the year. However, these breaks can also be stressful for parents, who want to keep their kids…
You love your kids, but sometimes they can be a bit much. This is never more true than during the summer months, when they'll be around for every hour of the day. Without school to occupy their time, they'll constantly be in your way. Get through summer without pulling out…