My Kid Just Said #11

One time, the Princess suddenly cried while she and her brother were quietly playing on the bed. I immediately rushed to the minis to check on them. Me: What happened? Why are you crying, baby? The Princess: (shows her index finger while still crying) The baby ate my finger! The…


The Start of Summer

We wanted to take the minis out for a swim today. But because the lazy bug bit us (and because we realized we have been mostly out of the house since two weeks ago), we decided to just welcome summer at home. I don't know where the kiddie pool we…


We have a walker!

The Little Man is walking already! As in, he really walks. He doesn't just take a few steps then crawls the rest of the way (like what he used to do two weeks ago). He'd now walk across a full hallway and would run after his sister in the living…


Finally home on St. Valentine’s Day

Good news! We are finally home! We won't be going on a Valentine's Day date, though, since we are drained - physically and financially. @.@ We are still in awe/shock that we spent more or less 80k for the Little Man's 5-day hospital stay. Yes folks. 80k for roseola, aka…


When The Little Man Had a Lumbar Puncture

We've been to and fro the emergency room since Saturday because of The Little Man's fever. I think I saw him have seizures already due to the fever, but I'm not sure if those were really fever fits since we've never encountered that with The Princess before. To be sure,…