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Sweet Surprises, Yummy Food, and Funny Stories: Our Valentine’s Day 2015 Celebration

Valentine's Day

How did you spend Valentine’s Day 2015? We usually eat out on Valentine’s day, but I didn’t expectΒ a celebration this year because Arjay had work scheduled on V-day itself. I also had a pile of work waiting to be finished.Β He actually asked me to go to work with him, but since ‘work’ meant walking under the sun at noon, I decided to just stay home with the minis.

I didn’t expect gifts either. Arjay’s not the type who gives flowers or chocolates on special occasions. I don’t mind because I’m not the type that asks for such things. I prefer his paintings, a good home-cooked meal with him, or simply paying off our bills. Hehe! Yep, my usual requests for special days are for him to pay all our bills or buy stuff for the home. Last Christmas, my request was for him to pay the downpayment of our lot in full so we can have our house designed already. On Valentine’s Day, I asked for a washing machine (YIPEE!). πŸ˜€

Like I said, I didn’t expect him to bring home flowers or chocolates on V-day. But he did. And the presents came with a funny story.

Valentine's DayAfter duty, he went around town to look for flowers and a box of Ferrero. He was able to find the most beautiful roses, but he couldn’t find a box of Ferrero anywhere. At the last shop he went to, he asked the salesman if they had a box of Ferrero. “Sir, wala na po kami niyan. Ubusan po kasi Valentine’s Day,” the salesman told him. “Bakit po kasi ngayon lang kayo bumibili ng gift?,” he asked.

In his mostΒ paawaΒ voice, Arjay answered: “Kakatapos lang kasi ng duty ko… Ngayon lang ako nakalabas para bumili…” Of course, he could have bought chocolatesΒ yesterday. We actually went to the mall the day before. But since he’s such a procrastinator, he bought gifts ON V-day itself. Haha!

Because he’s so kaawa-awaΒ (and believable because he was still wearing his operation uniform), the salesman brought out the last box of Ferrero that he was saving–either for himself or for a special customer (LOL)–and gave it to Arjay. Mission accomplished. So the hubby went home with three red roses, a box of Ferrero, and a bonus Mason Jar that I have been collecting.

As soon as he was home, he asked us to get dressed so we can head to the mall to buy ingredients for our special Valentine’s dinner. I tell you, going out on Valentine’s Day is crazy! Can somebody explain why drivers are so mean on a day when love should be in the air?

Valentine's DayThere was this red Pajero behind us who kept honking his horn while we were letting pedestrians cross the street. Maybe he was late for a date? Then there was this silver Adventure that almost hit us as we were entering the parking lot of Robinson’s Place Antipolo. As in ha, he didn’t even mind pressing on the brake to slow down. Perhaps his date ditched him.Β Whatever their reasons are, I hope they don’t use those again to drive recklessly. Remember people, you are not only endangering yourself when you drive recklessly, but also others.

Anyway. Our plan was to cook steamed crabs and garlic-butter shrimps for dinner. But with the terrible traffic, we thought of just eating out. We dropped by at Red Palace (right across SM Taytay) but not a single waiter welcomed our arrival. So we went to the counter and asked if they have available tables. The cashier said they don’t have any when actually a group already asked for their bill. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

It was Valentine’s Day so instead of stressing out about poor customer service, we just went to the public market and bought crabs and shrimps. We then headed to my mom’s house, cooked our yummy meal, and had a scrumptious dinner feast.

Where are the photos of our meal, you ask? I don’t have any. We were so hungry we didn’t even bother to take photos. Haha! But I swear, Arjay cooks THE BEST crabs and shrimps. I might not go back to Dampa Sa Libis for my seafood cravings anymore since I have THE BEST cook at home.

Thanks for the special and fun Valentine’s Day, Daddy A!

How did you spend the day of hearts?

Kimberley Reyes

Kimberley Reyes is an Online Business Manager for entrepreneurs who are ready to get off the hamster wheel and step into their CEO shoes. On top of helping her clients get organized and scale their businesses, she is also happily busy raising her five kids with her firefighter husband.

This Post Has 20 Comments

  1. Janice

    Awww, it’s nice to know that you still had a nice Valentine’s date. My hubby is also not the type who give flowers and chocolates during special occasions. He did surprise me with a pack of cupcakes before Vday though. Haha! Then for Vday itself we went to BGC with our Ziggy and had a nice lunch. Pretty chill, just the way I like it. πŸ™‚

  2. Mamanee San Luis

    Awwww sweeteness and kiligs galore. Ang sarap talaga kapag nag effort si Hubby! Belated Happy Valentine’s Kim!

  3. sherlane fortunado

    We had a zumba party last valentines day and saw happy people with flowers and gifts like you.

  4. emiliana

    We had dinner on Valentine’s Day with our daughter. My husband cooks on occasions as well.

  5. Celerhina Aubrey

    Good job huBby! Hehehe! Saya talaga to have husbands that cooks well ano? I have one too. Saya ng buhay!

    1. Kimberley Reyes

      Yes, we’re lucky to have husbands who can cook! I’m not very good in the kitchen so he’s a blessing. πŸ˜€

  6. rolledin2onemom

    SwEet! And funny! Hahahaha…you are one lucky gal for having a husband who loves you! πŸ™‚

  7. Maan

    Haha I’m torn between getting impressed and feeling sorry for that salesman. Sana he had one more box for his lady. Naku, it seems like everybody was stressed during VDay. It doesn’t justify the reckless behavior and the poor customer service though!

    1. Kimberley Reyes

      He never said why he was hiding that last box, but it makes me happy to know that there are still some people who care about others. Lol!

  8. juvy ann petilla

    We just stayed home last Valentines day. Hubby wanted to go out, but I figured traffic would be heavy and since we are heading to Guimaras this weekend (just the 2 of us), we can postpone Vday for a few days.

  9. mecheel

    The best part is how it ends at your moms house. πŸ™‚

  10. Kat

    That was sweet! πŸ™‚

    Kami ng husband ko, we had a simple celebration lang. I work at night kasi so paglabas ko, eksakto Valentines day na. Since 7months old palang ang baby namin and may sakit sya last week, sinundo lang nya ako somewhere and nagbreakfast kami sa JOllibee! hehe! hindi yun ang original plan, pero okay lang πŸ™‚

    1. Kimberley Reyes

      Breakfast at Jollibee sounds nice! I don’t mind going on simple eat outs on special days. πŸ™‚

  11. Jacq Paraguya

    In fairness, I like the persistence of your husband to get you those chocolates ha. πŸ™‚ Likewise, we spent it at home. I cooked some pasta na lang. πŸ˜‰

    1. Kimberley Reyes

      He has always been the persistent type. It annoys me sometimes (kasi nakakapagod kaya magshop with him!), but I appreciate it too. πŸ˜€

  12. sarah tirona

    hahahaha grabe naman yung salesman, lakas maka judge! “sorry na kuya” πŸ˜›

    1. Kimberley Reyes

      Who buys gifts on V-day itself diba? Answer: Someone who’s never learned his lesson. AKA, my husband. Haha!

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