Wherever we go, two things I usually look for are 1) safe drinking water and 2) a clean toilet. Having experienced Amoebiasis before, which was most likely due to exposure to an infected toilet/tap according to my doctor, I made sure it will not happen to our family again. Mind you, this can be transferred from one person to another easily if you use the same toilet!
Did you know that of the estimated 3,420 diarrhea-related deaths among Filipino children under 5 every year, around 2,000 could have been prevented by access to safe water, improved toilet sanitation, and personal hygiene? (Department of Health)
We are preventing this–and any other disease or infection–by only drinking safe water, practicing proper hygiene, and keeping our home sanitary. My favorite cleaning warrior? Domex.
Over 90% of households are at risk of diseases from toilet germs that can lead to death. One of these diseases is diarrhea, which is the fourth leading cause of death among children 5 years old and younger.
Sadly, not everyone has access to safe water and effective cleaning agents. This is why Unilever, through Domex, initiated the One Million Clean Toilets Campaign. This campaign aims to spread awareness about proper hygiene and develop a habit of properly cleaning the toilet to reduce the incidence of disease and death due to germs.
By making a pledge, you will not just learn about how to properly clean your toilet, but you will also be contributing ₱5 to UNICEF’s sanitation program. You have no idea how huge of a help this will be to those who do not have access to safe water and clean toilets!
For more information and updates, visit and like Domex Philippines’ Facebook page here.