The Princess is 1 year and 2 months old!

A lot can happen in two months’ time. When The Princess turned one, she can barely walk in a straight direction. She would always fall and hit something–whether that thing is on her way or not. 😀 Now she runs… a lot. I am actually very paranoid every time we go out because she always manages to venture farther and farther from Mommy.
My girl has become super talkative as well. If she was talkative before… well, she talks a lot more now. And, she gets very angry when we don’t give her our full attention. I like how she tries to start conversations with us — even if all we hear is baby talk. I’m sure she’s trying to get something across so I try to look like I get what she’s saying.
But, what I love the most is her sense of humor. She doesn’t want anyone fighting in the house. Everyone has to smile in her world. She recently discovered that if she made funny faces, people will react with a smile or a giggle. So, that’s what she has been doing a lot of lately…
Kelly and I goofing around 😀
Her “Good Morning!” smile


Enjoying brownies from Daddy
This little girl is such a joy to us! Now, I can’t imagine life without her. If I had listened to the negative people trying to put me down when they first found out I was pregnant with our little angel, I’m sure I’d be miserable today.
I’m glad this blessing of a wonderful and beautiful baby was given to us. 🙂 And we have another one coming! I’m sure it’s going to be another exciting start.

Kimberley Reyes

Kimberley Reyes is an Online Business Manager for entrepreneurs who are ready to get off the hamster wheel and step into their CEO shoes. On top of helping her clients get organized and scale their businesses, she is also happily busy raising her five kids with her firefighter husband.

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