Having a family is a wonderful thing, but unexpected bills are not. Unfortunately, it
seems that you’re going to get a bill for a school activity, a car that breaks down and needs repair, or a medical bill when you least expect it. And getting another job to pay for all of these things isn’t in the cards for various reasons.
That means you’re left looking for money from your budget. Following are some money saving tips for moms to help you get more out of your budget and build a buffer for those times when things are tight.
Start Clipping Coupons
Some people view the use of coupons as being cheap and for those who can’t afford more. The truth of the matter is, retailers and manufacturers put those coupons out to encourage you to buy a product. And if you already buy a specific product regularly, a coupon is free money. Using a coupon means the amount you save stays in your wallet instead of going towards the purchase.
If you want to go further, you can take the money you save with a coupon out of your wallet and put it in a jar. That way you can see the money you’re saving and have it at the ready when there’s an emergency.
I get a lot of discount coupons when I go grocery shopping. Robinson’s Supermarket, for instance, gives out coupons that you can use when you shop with them again. Even if it’s just a P50 off coupon, that’s still P50!
Schedule Regular Maintenance for Appliances
Appliances and HVAC units can break down when you can least afford it. The good news is that you can avoid such an incident by scheduling regular maintenance for your HVAC system and home appliances. The benefit of regular maintenance comes in the form of finding problems when they’re small and preventing them from becoming bigger ones. For example, a bad bearing on the shaft of a fan remains a minor problem and is an inexpensive repair. Your HVAC specialist finding the problem and repairing it early helps you avoid having to shell out more money when times are tight.
The same goes for your other appliances. These are items that are in frequent use and are designed to take the wear and tear. But you can get more life out of them if you get them checked out regularly.
Shop Second-Hand
Kids are notorious for outgrowing their clothes faster than they can wear them out. Used clothing stores that focus on selling second-hand children’s clothes are an excellent resource for parents looking to save money. No one is going to notice that your kids aren’t dressed in the latest fashions because there’s very little change in terms of the latest fashions for kids up until a certain age. And when kids get to the age where they start caring about their clothes, you can still shop second-hand for things they need for their activities and keep on saving money.
Another place moms can look for stylish preloved clothes is Forth Co, which is an online platform for sustainable fashion selections.
These are some of the ways moms can save money for their families and have something left over for a rainy day. It can be time-consuming, so enlist your family and turn the act of saving money into a game they can participate in.