Raising little humans, home-cooked food, and homemaking tips

Honestbee Review

We all have those days. You know, when you're hands are full with work and kids then bam! You open the refrigerator and there's no food left. Silly you forgot to go to the grocery to restock. Did that ever happen to you? Gosh, I wish I'm not the only…

Read more about the article Why It’s Never Too Early To Think About Christmas
Photo by Beatriz Pérez Moya on Unsplash

Why It’s Never Too Early To Think About Christmas

Who here has started shopping for Christmas? I have. In fact, I already ordered gifts for my daughter's classmates and currently looking for gifts for my son's friends. While we are still over three months away from the night Jesus was born and we gather around the tree to open gifts,…

Read more about the article Arranging Some Alone Time With Your Partner
Credit: https://images.pexels.com/photos/41068/pexels-photo-41068.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=2&h=650&w=940

Arranging Some Alone Time With Your Partner

When you have children, you dedicate your life to them. You put their wants and needs first and end up spending the majority of your time running around after them. But you should also bear in mind that spending time alone with your partner is extremely important for the state…

Read more about the article 5 Secrets To Managing Screen Time
Photo by Patricia Prudente on Unsplash

5 Secrets To Managing Screen Time

One of the biggest issues that is debated in the parenting world is the use of screen time. We are living in a world that is digitally led, which means that there are computer games and television shows and tablets and smartphones everywhere we turn. While no parent wants to…


How You Can Instill Confidence In Your Child

It’s not easy being a parent. We need to make sure that our kids have everything they need to survive and thrive and life, which can be difficult, but then, what’s more, is that we also need to make sure their confidence and self-esteem are at healthy levels. Given that…